Thursday, January 1, 2015

HIV Positive Kenny Bradmuse Encourages Others Living With Virus In New Year Message

Brand expert and Personal Branding Coach, Kenny Bradmuse, who has been living with HIV for at least 15 years, took to his Facebook page this morning to encourage those living with the virus. He enjoins them to enjoy the time they have rather trying to blaming others or themselves for their predicaments. He wrote; 
“These three things I pray in 2015: that we live our lives above dogmas imposed upon us by people who do not exactly walk in our shoes, that we overcome every stigma cast upon us because of things we honestly cannot do anything about. ( Take the shame away from your game. Too bad that failures happen but we have to make the next seconds count instead of blaming others or blaming ourselves ) Finally, that we enjoy the beautiful things of life, like ice cream and hot Agege bread- as little as we can afford. Yes, learn to celebrate the little things in a big way. #Live”


  1. Ok na...but its not a death sentence n can be control,so no need for alarm..

  2. To be this bold to even send a message online,thumbs up..I admire ur courage

  3. Omo see the guy fresh pass me sef weh no get am....that a calming and hrt warming msg to all those who like strong it's not the end of the world

  4. That is d positive spirit am toking about, u r blessed

  5. That is d positive spirit am toking about, u r blessed

  6. The only thing that kills people with HIV is negligence and the stigma that follows...nothing else.


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