Saturday, October 11, 2014

Let's Make Some Laughs For A Change: Humor In Uniform!!! (Powered By WKT)

So readers, One of my good readers brought this idea to me and I agreed with him only on the condition he accepts to be the one creating the jokes. And he agreed! Yipeee! So here we go! and leave your comments below;

Chichi's way of lightening up your Saturdays. We could use some laugh you know? Read and laugh on and don't forget to share to all!

•There are some "IDIOTS" in this World, Dat Always Reply "NO" to every Question we ask them....Now tell me, Are you one of Them?

•Slow dancing with a fat girl? ...That's like trying to move a refrigerator by yourself.

•If your pastor says "As I pray for you, please hold the part of your body that makes you sin the most? Which part will you hold?

•I think Short people should be allowed to pay half-price for a full body massage.

•What is a Car-Charger doing in this girl's handbag without owning or driving a car? Ah! Ah!! What a complicated world!! If you know what I mean?

•So Satan was all alone in the garden of Eden with naked Eve and all he could do was convince her to eat an apple...That nigger is GAY!

•Wife: Unlike before our wedding, you don't buy me gifts anymore.... Husband: have you ever seen a fisherman giving worms to the fish after catching it?

•Girls Feeling Bored? Simply send a text message To a random number saying: "I'm Pregnant"

•You have over 10 Sex partners & you still refer to your reproductive Organ as Private Part. No, You're wrong. It's A UNIVERSAL CHARGER.



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