Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Oh No! Heartless Househelp Chops Off Toddlers Hand (Very Graphic Photos)

Wetin person no go see oo! Just saw this on Facebook...Posted by one Agbasi Uche Dorothy...She posted the picture with the caption;

"We need to be careful with house helps. This is what a house help did to an innocent child". She didn't give further details. Will try I find out how it happened.


  1. Oghene ooo....jeeeeez....are u sure this kid will suvive,,,God...wickedness of highest degree....but we need to treat our house help like humans too ooo...

  2. I see no fuckig reason why human should be so winked to this extend of doing this to an Innocent child even though na for witch at least Charlie you for try control am na...well i just dey laugh

  3. Dis woman is an animal and should be put away 4 life. Diss is just d height. Hmmm! "Uwaifo don talk e own o".

  4. I will chop off her head if it's my kid

  5. Heiiiiii,wickedness of d wicked,evil everywhere, wetin ds baby do D's agent of devil,ehhhhn make d parents chop her own hand too

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This person is nothing but possessed with evil spirit no normal human will do dis to an innocent child. I will I willl am short of the right word . Ho poor child . God take control


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