Thursday, August 20, 2015

Watch Graphic Video As Chinese Man Kills Woman By Sword In Beijing + Photos

A Chinese man who has been named only as ‘Gao’ has stabbed a woman to death in the middle of Beijing.

According to reports, he said he ‘hated Americans’ before he attacked and killed the woman. The attack is said to have taken place in an area of the capital that is popular for its shopping and nightlife.

Sources reveal that the attacker used a metre-long sword to slay the woman but before he did, he allegedly asked if the woman’s husband was American before attacking them both with the weapon. The woman’s husband is said to be a French tourist identified as Mariaud Romain.
The victim has been identified as 28-year-old tattoo artist, Gu Wenqing, from the Shandong province. Her funeral took place yesterday in Beijing.

Gu Wendi, Her sister, confirmed the victim had no connection with the suspect, who was seen walking around the area with a sword for three consecutive days prior to the tragic incident.
Speaking to the Global Times, Wendi said: “The murderer said he hated Americans and asked whether my brother-in-law was an American,”

“My brother-in-law replied that he is French and asked him not to hurt them. But the man stabbed them in the back when they walked past him.”

Video below.


  1. Can't watch such. Impossicant! Have you heard the New Nigerian Anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand.

  2. Jeeeez...horrific,,nobody could stop this dude ...terrible d kind of mentallity some people hv.....obama useless laws hv led to soo many death.....this is sad


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