Saturday, August 1, 2015

Time With Christ: Saturday, August 1, 2015, Daily Devotionals – Don’t Forget!

Topic: Don’t Forget! (Saturday, 01 August, 2015)

Text: Exodus 16:32-36

Bible Verse: “And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan” (Exodus 16:35).

The human nature is evil, primed to acts of depravity. This is why it requires a real new birth experience to turn this obstinate nature around. It is a pity that tons of theories and concepts about civilising the human element has always turned out a pipe dream, an excursion into failure.

When the children of Israel were given the modalities on how to collect manna and what not to do about the miraculous food, some of them openly flouted them. For instance, they were warned against going out on the seventh day to collect manna because they must keep the day holy. Some of them still went out to collect. God was really disappointed in them and showed His displeasure over their habitual disobedience.

God’s blessings have always endured. He usually follows up His promises to their logical conclusion. The Almighty is also interested in documentation. He does not expect His children to forget the blessings they had received from Him in the past. In His dealings with Israel, He always told them to set stones or some permanent structures as a memorial/reminder of what he had done for them. In our text today, He commanded Moses to do the same by keeping an Omer of the manna in a pot for the coming generations to see.

Believers are challenged to document the goodness of God in their lives, as a reminder that when faced with a similar challenge, God who did it in time past is capable of doing it again. Unfortunately, many people tend to forget this counsel. They are always asking for new blessings without recounting the former ones. When we praise and thank God for what He has done, He is inclined to rain more blessings on us. It is also good to share His past blessings with our children to help their faith. By this, they will know we are indeed serving the living God.

Bible In One Year: John 1-3

Thought For The Day: In Christ only lies true transformation.


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