Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Man Gives His Hotel For Free To Catholic Church To Be Used As Hospital For The Displaced Persons

Givers I always believe strongly never lacks. According to a his friend who shared the photo, the man pictured above named Ray Murphy, handed over his property in Lafia, to the Catholic church, for use as a hospital for the Internally Displaced Persons, without charging any rent. 

Although Ray is not a catholic, he explains that he is only obeying God by handing the keys to the church. You will also see photos of the signing and handing over to Bishop Audu of Lafia Diocese. This is indeed a great act of humanity. See More Photos...


  1. Oh wow...this should b a challange to all those our pot belly politicians ...God bless u sir

  2. Expecting a bigger one from God

  3. Nice1 Have you heard the New Nigerian Anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand.

  4. The bible has said it give and it shall be given back to u, nice man

  5. Flood gate of heaven is already opened for u

  6. Flood gate of heaven is already opened for u


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