Monday, August 31, 2015

Man Allegedly Kills Wife With Grenade Over Argument

South African police say they are looking for a man accused of killing his wife with a grenade. The woman died at Kingsway Hospital in the coastal city of Durban on Sunday.

It is alleged that the two had an argument at their home and as the row escalated, the husband threw the hand grenades at his wife, and they exploded. The man has been on the run since the incident.


  1. OH boy eh! What manner of hatred would make som1 kill his own wife with a grenade? Dis is a wa! Have you heard the New Nigerian National Anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand.

  2. Wicked bastard, let dem kill him too

  3. How did he even manage to hv such weapon on him...hope they get him to face justics...foolish man

  4. A grenade at home,is he ok at all


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