Sunday, August 16, 2015

Anybody Seen This 22 Year Old Who Makes €130 Euros A Week By Eating 10,000 Calories A Day?

22 year old Caitlin makes €130 euros a week from eating 10,000 calories a day half naked for men online. The 22 year old says she is happy with herself and doesn’t think she will quit not until she feels she her health is troubled. 

According to sources, she dropped out of school at 18 to pursue this unusual career and has since taken it as a full time job. Her family especially her mom is quite supportive to what she does. "I love the way I look and I started actively putting on weight because it makes me feel sexy. My specialty is to rub and shake my belly for the camera.” she said. See photos of her...
Mkpor, awak ke' ederi'mbot ooh!! Translation: (Things full for world oh!)


  1. Hahahaha see fat abeg make she no stop o

  2. Fool! Kill urself 4 peanuts u hear. Have you heard the New Nigerian National anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand

  3. Yeeeesu!!!...has no one tell her she looks disgusting ..what a career choice....


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