Saturday, July 18, 2015

US 1st Lady Michelle Obama Teams Up With Nigrian Born Singer Wale To Promote Higher Education

First Lady Michelle Obama has called on rapper Wale to help her in promoting higher education in America!

According to The Hill,

The First Lady and Wale will appear on a panel in Washington, D.C. with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Manuel Contreras, a rising senior at Brown University to discuss college options.
The White House said in a statement: ''This event will focus on sharing tools and strategies students can use to successfully transition to college and the resources they will need to complete the next level of their education.''
The event is a part of Mrs. Obama’s Reach Higher initiative, which encourages all students to pursue education after high school. Students in attendance will come from urban, rural, foster, homeless and special-needs backgrounds “who have overcome substantial obstacles to persist through high school and make it to college,” the White House stated.
E! News co-host Terrence Jenkins will moderate. Wale will then perform a concert for the 130-plus students in attendance.


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