Saturday, July 18, 2015

South African Teacher Jailed For Flogging A Pupil

A South African school teacher, Philippine Rakosa, has been sentenced to one year imprisonment by a magistrate court in Alexandra, Johannesburg, for caning a grade two pupil.

The Sowetan newspaper on Friday in Pretoria said that the teacher was jailed on Wednesday for hitting an eight year pupil with a hosepipe for failing a class test. The incident was said to have occurred on Feb. 8, 2014, at Gordon`s Primary School in Alexandra, north of Johannesburg.

According to the publication, the Magistrate, Gideon Suhnetler, was quoted as saying that it was time teachers realized that corporal punishment was outlawed in South Africa. The magistrate exercised leniency and jailed the convict for one year because she was the sole breadwinner in her family and had two children. The teacher`s husband, the publication also said, was unemployed.



  1. A country that is well organize u dnt mess around....I think as a teacher,,they are better many more ways of administering corporate punishment other than flogging...

  2. Hmmm anyway that is their own bizness

  3. Like Isah sed,maybe he over did it, some kids dts d only language dey understand

  4. The teacher might be a Nigerian

  5. Rubbish.. I dnt know what the world is turning into! Little kids now behave anyhow n talk to people anyhow because you CNT flog them.. Those of us our parents flogged turned out well.. Dnt we??

  6. Oh boy eh! Hmmm! "Uwaifo don talk e own o".


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