"I know it's been 3 weeks since I posted a #FineNiggaFriday but a nigga been grinding this album out..... But since it's 4th of July tomorrow... I figured I'd give your pu*y a head start to an amazing weekend. If you were with me...... We wouldn't need no pool or BBQ because #ImGoneSwimInThatPu*y
#ThenImGoneEatThatBo*tyLikeBBQRibsAndChicken #YouAintNeverHadYoPu*yAteTheWayIdDoIt #NoFuc*kinWayThatNiggaYouWitCanOutEatMe #KnowWhy #CauseHeWasntBornWithMyTongue #1stIdWakeUpAndRunToLaPerlaAndGetYouA5000Dollar2Piece #ThenIdHurryBackToOurHotelRoomAndLayTheBathingSuitAndGuisseppesOutSoWhenYouWoke #YoPussyWouldDoABackFlip #YeaImDatTypeOfNigga #iWannaBeTheReasonYouAndYoVag*naSmileEveryday #YouDeserveToHaveItEatenAtLeast3TimesADayTilYouDie #NiggasTheseDaysIsTongueLazy #NotMeThough #ImHelicopterTongue #AndAfterIPutThisPropellarOnThatPearlYouWillThenUnderstandWhatItMeansToBePutOnTheGame #ThenIWantYouToSitUpAndLeanBackOnThePillowAnd #LookAtTheFlickOfTheD*ck #DropsMic"The whole write up above was what the rapper shared the photo with. LOL
Anyways see the full photo below...
Unuseful info...next
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with this
ReplyDeleteWetin be this
ReplyDeleteI don't get IT
ReplyDeleteHis biz
ReplyDeleteCow head! Hmmm! "Uwaifo don talk e own o".
ReplyDeletehis P