Thursday, July 2, 2015

Paris Hilton Falls Victim To The Scariest Prank Ever By An Egyptian TV Presenter (Watch Scariest Prank Ever Made)

An Egyptian TV personality Ramez Gala staged a very terrifying plane crash which saw poor Paris Hilton believing that she was about to reach her inevitable death.

Though it is said that Paris Hilton has reportedly revealed that she plans to sue the makers of the show Ramez in Control - after she was convinced that her plane was moments from crashing into the ground.
The whole idea of the 'prank' was played on Paris which saw her thinking she was about to take an aerial tour of the city. Cue the engine pretending to splutter and the alarms sounding, everyone on board screaming in distress and the pilot nose diving towards the ground.
Obviously, like every human being,  Paris Hilton started to panic, breaks down into tears and was desperately trying to find out information on what was going on.

Only to find out on landing that she was being pranked...Watch video below and let us know if this prankers took it a nudge too far?


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