Friday, July 3, 2015

Oh No!! See Disturbing Photos Of A 35 Year Old Man Marrying A 6 Year Old Child

Too any odd things happening in this world! Shocking marriage photos of a 35-year-old man to a six-year-old girl have surfaced online. The wedding took place on June 23 in a secret village temple ceremony.

Lal Jat was already in a relationship with a married woman, so the wedding he had with the CHILD is to fulfill Nata Pratha, an ancient local custom which dictates that a man can have a live-in relationship with a married woman as long as he pays money to her so he can move in with her. More photos below;


  1. Indians with their weird believes...may God deliver them.

  2. Oh God! What kinda lyf are dey giving this kiddie

  3. The world is really coming to an end. Xtains, d beast from d ground will soon appear. Muslims, Dajjal is getting is coming closer. Wen dese happen, both d guilty and innocent will surely share from its torment. May God save us.

  4. Yash of married again I need you to come and beat this yeye man well well o

  5. God punshe devil what is this

  6. I don't just know what to say

  7. Shows the life of a group of people under d influence of d devil


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