Friday, July 3, 2015

50 Cents Stops Over To Buy $300,000 Rolls Royce Just Before An Interview Like He Was Stopping To Buy Pure Water

Even when I try to buy pure water, I check my pocket levels but for popular American rapper 50 cent it's a different 'levels'. He was recently in New York for an interview with MTV presenter Nick Grimshaw, stopped to purchase a $300,000 Rolls Royce to move around with while in New York.

50 cent was in New York for a music show ‘Soundchain’. As soon as 50 landed, he had to purchase a vehicle while he was running late for his interview.

The presenter Nick, who was filming for the music show recalled; ‘we landed Friday night then Saturday was a really beautiful spring, summery day in New York. He was a little bit late and his people were like ‘Oh he’ll be here’. Only for 50 to get there and tell them, he had to stop to get a $300,000 convertible Rolls Royce, like he was stopping to get water.



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