Monday, June 22, 2015

Men's Genital Protective Gear Now Being Sold - Protect Men From Getting Their 'Joy Candle' Chopped Off

A blog reader sent this to me and said a friend who lives in Nairobi sent this information to him. I think with the way women are chopping off men's 'joy candle' with alacrity all over Africa due to one reason to the other.

An entrepreneur in Nyeri, Nairobi invented the men's 'joy candle' protective gear to help them safe guard the ding dong. The ‘genital protective gear ‘ item which is safely secured with iron padlock are being sold for Sh 2, 000 (US$ 20) as a protective measure for men’s genitalia.
Maybe this invention could provide some relief for  many men especially the ones that are married to the 'joy candle' chopping women, who have caused quite a stir for chopping off their unfaithful husbands or partners’ 'joy candle' as punitive punishment for infidelity. Watch video below and CLICK to download.


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