Saturday, May 23, 2015

LOL!! See What This Little Girl Did In Front Of President Obama (Photo)

The little girl pictured above, Claudia Moser by name having a tantrum in front of President Obama, Michelle Obama, her Mum-Laura Moser, and some other guests in the White House's Red Room

The incident circulated in social media on Thursday after Claudia's uncle Benjamin, a New York Times writer, and her mother Laura shared pictures of Claudia throwing that tantrum.


  1. Children don't know limittions or restrictions, they sy things d wy they see dem.

  2. Children don't even care about your personality Hmmm.. Well I just dey laugh

  3. Lol,,its just a kid n beside they is no way d kid will not d class of obama normal kids stuff

  4. A kid would always be kid. Haha


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