Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Good!! Solomon Arase Confirmed Inspector General Of Police

The acting Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase has been confirmed IG of Police by the Police Council today in Nigeria’s capital, Abuja.

The confirmation of his appointment came after the Council of State meeting chaired by President Goodluck Jonathan.

Speaking after his confirmation he said no Nigerian would suffer injustice by his inaction or action throughout his tenure in office.

He also reassured officers and men of the Nigeria Police Force that their welfare would be one of his cardinal responsibilities.

“Their welfare will number one on ‎my cardinal responsibilities. You don’t motivate a workforce except their welfare is paramount. I’m going to ensure that their welfare is going to be put on the front burner.

“To Nigerians, I know that their expectations are high but I can assure them that no Nigerian will suffer any injustice by my inaction or action.”

On his recent directive on the dismantling of police roadblocks across the country, Arase said 16 teams had been constituted by the Force Headquarters to ensure strict compliance.

“We already have an enforcement policy in place and 16 teams have moved out across the length and breadth of this country to ensure there is strict compliance to that order,” he said.


  1. Happy for you. All those things you put in place please implement them!! It'll make us very happy

  2. Congratz sir...hope he brings positive change into d force...

  3. Congrats but this your promises na real?

  4. Thk God. May his reign b peaceful. Hmmm! "Uwaifo don talk e own o".

  5. Thank God o am I very happy for this news

  6. Oya start from d one dt shot d Keke driver


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