Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Breast Cancer Survivors Pose Nu'de In Loud Speaking Photos (1 8+)

Bre'ast cancer survivors have revealed their strength and beauty by posing nu'de In a series of moving and powerful photographs baring their mastectomy scars.The women have either lost all, a part of one of their bre'asts

Taken by photographer Isis Charise, the striking images reveal the raw resilience and beauty of these women despite what many would see as being disfigured.

'It is my hope that these images create a doorway that leads to further acceptance of the post mastectomy body. 'Not only for women who live with the challenge of bre'ast cancer, but also for their partners, families and caregivers.' 
Angelina Jolie recently had her brea'sts removed (Mastectomy) as a preventive measure against bre'ast cancer. She then had a bo'ob job to replace them.

There is beauty in imperfection...


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