Thursday, February 12, 2015

I Wonder How!! American Victim Says "ISIS Was Kind To Me"

American humanitarian worker named Kayla Mueller, 25-year-old  allegedly killed in captivity by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, claimed in a letter released online by her family on Wednesday that the terrorist group was kind to her.

In the letter, which is believed to have been delivered by fellow hostages released by ISIS, the late Mueller said she learnt that even in prison “one can be free.”

Expressing her gratitude to the terrorists for the “respect and kindness” she received from them, the deceased cautioned her relatives to avoid a direct negotiation with the group, even if other options would “take more time.” But she was not certain the letter would be received before her death.

The letter, dated February 2, 2014, reads in part, “Please know that I am in a safe location, completely unharmed and healthy. I have been treated with the utmost respect and kindness.
“I want to write you a well-thought-out letter. I can only but write the letter a paragraph at a time. Just the thought of you sends me into a fit of tears. 
“If you could say I have suffered at all throughout this whole experience it is only in realising how much suffering I have put you all through. I will never ask you to forgive me as I do not deserve it.”
The United States announced the death of Mueller on Tuesday, regretting that she was among the captives that its troops attempted to rescue last June in a failed operation.

The White House claimed that an ISIS fighter had taken the humanitarian worker, whose captivity was kept secret until her reported death, in for a forced marriage.

But Jordan has denied the reported death, saying it was an attempt to stir tension against it and its allies.

Some Americans have blamed the death on what they describe as poor handling of the situation by the Barack Obama administration.
A Facebook user said, “This is sickening. While our President sits and twiddles his thumbs, more Americans are being killed. ISIS is blaming Jordan just to cover up what they did. At least, Jordan enforces an eye for an eye.”
Another person, who took to Twitter, said Obama could not continue to relegate his responsibility to American citizens.

World leaders have continued to pour in their tributes. The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, who said he was saddened by the news, described the death as another display of “brutality.
“I am deeply saddened to hear of the death of Kayla Mueller. She travelled to the region to help people and became a victim of the ISIS,” the PM tweeted.
Meanwhile, some social media users have expressed concern at the inability of the Multi-national Task Force to crush the Boko Haram or stem its attacks in Northeastern Nigeria. They were responding to an attack the group carried out against the Chadian soldiers in a Nigerian town on Wednesday.

Jack, who commented on a blog, noted that Cameroon was able to give the insurgents a fair battle because it got support from Germany, France and China.
He said, “The countries donated modern weapons to the Cameroonian Army and they are putting the weapons into a good use against the terrorists.”
He called on the Nigerian Army to adopt the same approach that gave Cameroon a reasonable result in the current military campaign against the terrorist group. He said better coordinated efforts would deliver a more cheering result.

Also commenting, one Mazi observed that members of the Boko Haram had suddenly become invisible as “they quickly hide among the public after an attack.” He said this had made detection difficult for the military who, he noted, had displayed sufficient courage on the battlefield.
“I do not think this is the time to keep pulling down the Nigerian troops because they have performed wonderfully in all their past peace-keeping battles,” he said.
He noted that the security forces of neighbouring countries might have recorded a better success against the group because they were not sympathetic to the insurgents, unlike the situation in Nigeria.

He said more cooperation from the natives of the affected region would turn the tide against Boko Haram.


  1. I think as at whn she sent dletter she wasn't undergoing any form of torture. I guess she didn't want her family membrs to b worried sick about her so she wrote d letter to allay their fears. Hmmm! "Uwaifo don talk e own o".

  2. Even obama is been criticize....terrorism is a fight we all must put heads together if we must win this unfortunate she died in an unfortunate circumstance.....BY will soon b a history soon

  3. Hmm,can anytin gud come out ISIS,I doubt dat a lot, nd abt d nigerian troops I agree wid him

  4. Jordanian air strikes killed her...simple.


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