Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Question Of The Day: If The Wife Is Making More Money Than The Husband, Is It Okay For Him To Stop Working?

Popular OAP, Toolz asked a question on her Twitter page yesterday and it has been getting quite a lot of reactions.

The media personality asked, ‘If a wife is making more than her husband, and can comfortably look after her family, would it be ok for the husband to stop working? What are your take on this.


  1. No way..y will he stop,,Godforbid what if she loses her job tomorrow what then becomes the faith of d family.....,,no amount is too much for somebody to stop work....

  2. Its is actually d primary duty of a man to provide for family...its in d bible sef...so he has no right to stop working

  3. no as a man no matter wat a man most wrk.to earn his respect

  4. Any man that with do that is a complete fool

  5. Lie Lie! If a woman is earning money she may even start disrespecting u, talkless of whn u now just stop working and totally depend on her. Hmmm! Uwaifo don talk e own o".

  6. No way. . if wife get money pass d husband, she will now be forming goddess . Na so women mata be.. The man don't have to stop nor quit his job..


  7. No way!!...the woman go just blow dry the man!!

  8. Ma dear d man has 2work which eva way and guys pls not all women think alike,so stop criticizing us


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