Saturday, October 18, 2014

Let's Make Some Laughs: Saturday Humor In Uniform Powered By WKT

Laughter they say is very healing and keeps one young for a long time...Hehehehe Enjoy this weekly laughs!

•Some guys hold their girlfriend's hand at the mall because if they leave her hand she will start looks ROMANTIC but it's ECONOMIC

•Ladies Got 3 Kinds Of Panties: Period Panties I'm Chilling Panties He's Fucking Me Tonight Panties. Which One You Got On?

•She bought d movie 'SPARTACUS' n asked 2 watch it with U still, u don't get the message she is trying 2 pass across. Ar u a LEARNER?

•He told you that you are the only flower in his garden. Which garden has only one flower. Are you a LEARNER ?

•You slapped a soldier in order to prove your love for ur GF, Are you a LEARNER ?

•If you like a girl, let her go; If she comes back, it means nobody likes her, let her go again

•If you call a girl and she is not picking... send her a credit voucher... take one digit out and wait


1.Every Sunday is RICE 

2.Every northerner is a MUSLIM 

3.Every motorcycle is OKADA 

4.Every oversea based guy is RICH 

5.Every detergent is OMO 

6.Every Chinese knows KARATE 

7.Every toothpaste is MACLEAN

8.Every whiteman is RICH and CONNECTED 

9.Every police takes BRIBE 

10.Every rich muslim is ALHAJI while the poor ones are MALLAM 

11.Every noodle food is INDOMIE 

12.Every Brazilian is a FOOTBALLER 

13.Every Igboman likes MONEY

14.Every guy on suit is LEARNED 

15.Every Indian is a WITCH or WIZARD 

16.Every kidnappers comes from ASABA 

Lol.. which of these is correct? Add yours



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