Friday, September 19, 2014

TRILLING: Stolen Phone Ranks Up $500,000 Bill In A Day!

Think your vacation cell phone bill is high? Then spare a thought for the Australian hit with more than $500,000 in charges for calls made when his device was stolen in Europe.
The whopping figure came to light in a recent report by Australia’s telecoms ombudsman, who received a complaint about the bill after the customer’s phone provider insisted he pay it, even though he’d reported the theft.
Astonishingly, the calls  including several to Somalia  were made within a single 24-hour period, a fact that’ll do little to reduce concerns about the high cost of roaming charges both in Australia and the rest of the world.
The complaint about the bill was made by a
man identified as “ David” whose son had his phone stolen during a trip to Europe.
“He reported the theft to local police and to his provider in Australia, but because of the time difference between the continents, the provider recorded the theft as having happened a day later than it occurred,” the ombudsman said in a report.
Back in Australia, his son’s bill came to more than AUS$570,000 ($517,000) and listed calls to Somalia.
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Think your vacation cell phone bill is high? Then spare a thought for the Australian hit with more than $500,000 in charges for calls made when his device was stolen in Europe.

The whopping figure came to light in a recent report by Australia’s telecoms ombudsman, who received a complaint about the bill after the customer’s phone provider insisted he pay it, even though he’d reported the theft.

Astonishingly, the calls including several to Somalia were made within a single 24-hour period, a fact that’ll do little to reduce concerns about the high cost of roaming charges both in Australia and the rest of the world.

The complaint about the bill was made by a
man identified as “ David” whose son had his phone stolen during a trip to Europe.

“He reported the theft to local police and to his provider in Australia, but because of the time difference between the continents, the provider recorded the theft as having happened a day later than it occurred,” the ombudsman said in a report.

Back in Australia, his son’s bill came to more than AUS$570,000 ($517,000) and listed calls to Somalia.

Can you imagine?


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