Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Opinion Poll: So Ladies, Would You Do This For Your Man? (See Photo)

You know what they say about taking matters into your own hands?  Now ladies, would you propose to your man if he’s not making the BIG move to?


  1. has dis become d norms

  2. There is nuttin wrong 4 ladies 2 do dat but d mentality of d man matters a lot,coz he may take her 4 granted nd he may also not

  3. Loving and proposing to someone is not a crime from both parties.
    In most European countries is easier for ladies to propose to the men they love but in Africa, 99% wouldn't do that.

  4. Loving and proposing to someone is not a crime from both parties.
    In most European countries is easier for ladies to propose to the men they love but in Africa, 99% wouldn't do that.


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