Monday, June 23, 2014

Oh No She Didn't!! What Is She Wearing And What Was She Thinking?? (PHOTO)

Ok so this is so not a joke to me that some idiot (excuse my manner, kinda lost it) would wear such thing and even have the balls to take a pics with it and post on Facebook...

What a fool I must say....It is whites like her that will live and die in their ignorance...

Any word for her readers??


  1. She is so stupid to have put on this inscription. Are the white immune from committing crime. Daily report here in U.S .is a clear indication to this.

  2. Mayb a Black man sucked her boobs dry.*laugh*she just needs d attension.she can tell d@ 2 OBAMA.blacks taking Over d world is beginning 2 scare her generation.dey aint c nutn Yet.


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