Saturday, May 24, 2014

Beyonce, Michelle and Kelly remix Nigerian gospel song “When Jesus Says Yes” [Listen, Download]

Popular Nigerian gospel song “When Jesus says yes, nobody can say no” has been remixed by Michelle Williams featuring Beyonce and Kelly Rowland.

The new song is both a gospel track and a Destiny’s Child reunion.


  1. I will still REMIX my own too, hope u ll upload it here? @chichinwaafrica

  2. You mean after she (bey...) has publicly asserted her demonic possession and further agrandisation of masonic & dark lord symbols & images with well confirmed ritualistic "choreography"...she won't openly renounce them all before singing the GOOD LORD's praise....well JESUS SAVES & FORGIVES ALL ....who knows what has happened in that sphere...time will surely tell...may the LORD have mercy on us ALL ....AMEN !!!!!!!!!


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