Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sad!! Woman Raped Twice In One Night

In London, woman left traumatized after she was attacked and raped twice in one night by the same man in two different locations.

The victim, in her twenties, was tailed by her attacker after meeting him in Cheltenham, London earlier in the evening.

He followed her to the top level of a multi-storey Waitrose car park in the town where the first rape took place.

The woman managed to escape but the attacker struck a second time in nearby Grove Street, a four-minute walk away.The two attacks happened between 10pm and midnight on Sunday.

Both scenes were sealed off yesterday as forensic experts searched for clues.The victim is currently being offered support.


  1. Ewoooo..too bad,,always meet people u dnt now much about them in public oh...kpelle

  2. Sorry, God will punish d perpetrators

  3. Two times on one night only u. Dis is a wa! Have you heard the New Nigerian National anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand

  4. I don't just know the sexual appetite rapist have and the joy they derive from forced sexual intercourse. Don't they have girlfriends?

  5. And why did the said victim not hurry back home? I don't blame her anyway. What happened was what was written of her. It's a pity!

  6. Very sad, but Asewo plenty nau,thurder fire dat rapist


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