Sunday, August 2, 2015

Early Church Vs Modern Church (You Need To See This)

Some of the observations from our source about the EARLY CHURCH and the MODERN CHURCH.

The EARLY CHURCH, men saw their life styles and called them CHRISTIANS but the MODERN CHURCH perhaps through our carrying of bible men will assume we are CHRISTIANS because there is no correlation between our lives and the Christian faith.

THE EARLY CHURCH according to the scriptures shared everything they had in common but THE MODERN CHURCH it's all about to your tent o ye Israel

THE EARLY CHURCH appoints men who are full of faith and Holy spirit into position of authority but the MODERN CHURCH appoints men who are full of cash and influence into position of authority.

THE EARLY CHURCH message is all about reconciling men back to God via the gospel of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ while the MODERN CHURCH message is all about come to my church.

GEARLY CHURCH influenced the world but this days, THE MODERN CHURCH is being influenced by the world.

We pray this day that the Lord will rekindle the fire and revival as of old in the church of today so that the church will be a guide to the nations again in Jesus name, amen.

Have a blessed day in His presence. Maranatha...He cometh soon.


  1. Lol...nice observation though I hv my preservaion on this mattet

  2. Very true! Have you heard the new Nigerian National anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand

  3. I leave that for my Christian brothers

  4. Very very true may God save us all amen


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