Thursday, October 1, 2015

Again! Iranian Women's Football Team Comes Under Scrutiny For Fielding Men As Players (Photos)

8 of Iran's women's football team are men who are awaiting sex swap operations, it has been claimed.
The country's football bosses have been branded 'unethical' for fielding the genetically more powerful players. Officials have now reportedly ordered the gender testing of the entire national team and the top players in their country's competitive league.

(Eight players) have been playing with Iran’s female team without completing sex change operations,' Mojtabi Sharifi, an official close to the Iranian football league, said according to Iranian media.

This is not the first time the team has been involved in a gender scandal.Just last year, four players were found to be men and in 2010 questions were asked about the national team's goalkeeper. This resulted in the sports Iranian governing body introducing mandatory gender-testing in 2014.


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