Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Prospective TV Reporter Wears An Open Top With No Brassiere For Her Screen Test - Immediately Gets The Job

Getting a job has gone to another level oh! A student has landed a job on Albanian television after showing her breasts through an open top during screen tests. TV bosses at the network said they were so impressed with Enki Bracaj, from the Albanian capital Tirana, that they offered her a news reader role.

The 21-year-old now presents an international news program after wearing the revealing outfit during trials - and has already proved a ratings hit, it has been reported.

A spokesperson for the channel said: 'Most agree that her presentation style is somewhat awkward, but we are working on that and to be honest it doesn't seem to be doing any harm to her viewing figures.'
Bracaj, who studies public relations at the local university, said she had simply 'found a way to put myself ahead' in a competitive industry.

Defending the decision to offer almost-topless news, she said: 'It is not easy to enter the world of television.
'So it was obvious that if I wanted to make it I had to be brave and offer something different…I checked first with my parents and when I found that they also supported me in my decision, it wasn't a problem for me to go ahead like this.'


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