Friday, September 11, 2015

Is This Bad?...Lawyer Under Fire For Calling His Daughter 'Smoking Hot'

 Alexander was called out by Lawyer Charlotte for calling her Linkedin pic above stunning
Do you think its wrong for dad to call his grown up daughter hot? A city lawyer is under fire for calling his daughter hot and smoking. Alexander Carter-Silk, 57 wrote on his daughter Ellie's Facebook photo.

Whilst I should not encourage lascivious comments about my daughter ... Yeee gods she is hot!!"
He followed the comment,up with: "Smokin..... PhD?", a reference to her academic record...

His comments were brought to light after her was called out by human rights barrister Charlotte Proud man, 27, for calling her Linkedin picture stunning ..She shared a Linked-in message from him saying:
"Charlotte, delighted to connect, I appreciate this is probably horrendously politically incorrect but that is a stunning picture.”
She then released the messages online, calling him sexiest and saying his compliments offended her
It just shows the extent of sexism in the legal profession. It does appear to be very bad, particularly because it is male-dominated." 
In an interview with Radio 5, Ms Proudman said many professionals used Linkedin like dating app Tinder and gave her reasons for posting Mr Carter-Silk's message.He has since apologized but she refused to accept it. She said:
"It's not acceptable to objectify women because of their physical appearance. 
"Initially I rolled my eyes and thought I'd delete it, then I looked at his profile and saw he was a senior legal professional.He should have thought about his actions before sending a sexist message to a 27-year-old barrister. 
"It was a message sent to me and I have a right to expose it. If these people aren’t made to feel repercussions for actions, which are wrong, then their behaviour won’t change and the culture will remain incredibly sexist.”
His daughter


  1. Lol,,for me,,I see nothing wrong,,its family biz why will I border myself over it

  2. I think smoking hot is quite an expression. Whether write or wrong will depend on how its used. Have you heard the New Nigerian National Anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand.

  3. Hmm oyibo and their way of life tire me o


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