Friday, September 11, 2015

Former Governor Timipre Sylva Slams Goodluck Jonathan

Ex-governor of Bayelsa State, Timipre Sylva is throwing some serious shade at President Goodluck Jonathan according to a new report by The Daily Post.

Sylva told newsmen in Abuja on Thursday, that the former President’s support for Governor Seriake Dickson was a clear indication that he was the “President of Bayelsa State” not the whole of Nigeria.

Sylva made the comment shortly after screening exercise preparatory for the APC governorship primaries, and said;
I am not worried. I always say that the former president was the president of Bayelsa State and he has proven me right. He has always been the president of Bayelsa State; He was never the President of Nigeria.
Speaking on his chances, Sylva said;
 I feel that I have a good standing with the people. As you can see, if you look behind me, you will see the array of Bayelsans who are here with me. Who else is left in Bayelsa? So, I think that because of the people who are with me, I feel I stand a very good chance.


  1. My friend shut up dia. Are u any better? Hain! Have you heard the New Nigerian National Anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand.

  2. Hold u sword Mr man,,,wait till the D-day,,electorate will decide who gets the vote...but with Mr president one sided appointment,,I doubt if Bayelsa lectorate will buy the apc ideology oh..

  3. Hey man go yanshe tour Ass Dan make we hear world

  4. Make we dey see d after elections things


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