Saturday, August 22, 2015

Whaat! “You Can Walk Around The Streets Naked, Provided Your Face Is Covered” – Muslim Cleric Says

An Australian Muslim cleric, Sheikh Taj Din Al-Hilali, who is Australia’s most senior Muslim cleric, had stated that Muslim women are allowed to go nude, wear bikinis and mini-skirts as long as they cover their faces.

On News-break report, Sheikh Al-Hilali said Islam should not be out of touch with the modern day trend.
“There is a boundary that must never be crossed, that boundary, is their faces.”
He went further to say Muslim women can go with ordinary t-shirts and mini-skirts, long evening gowns and even bikinis, like Western women.

As far as I’m concerned, they can even go to nudist beaches, star in porn movies and dance around poles in strip clubs. It really makes no difference as long as they keep the entirety of their faces completely covered so that they can be as religion-abiding as they are sinful.
“What can I say, duality is today tricky to pull-off even if you’re a Christian, not to mention if you’re Muslim. 
“When it comes to Muslim women in Australia,” he continued, “they are allowed to wear whatever they want below the neck, while their faces must remain covered at all times.” “Other than that, they’re good to go,” the Cleric noted.


  1. U are very very stupid...a very mad person..he should b tied and thrown into cell for he is opening his buccal cavity to vomit runbbish

  2. Mtcheeeeew....what kind of cleric is this one self.....

  3. Hehehehe! I know say Isah go vex 4 dis one. Buh what d man is saying does not make an iota of sense. Have you heard the New Nigerian Anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand.

  4. This man is mentally retarded where the hell did he get his knowledge of the qur'an and sunnah that he even become the most senior cleric in australia chaai I doubt much, must google his name n c if dat is true. I never expect an islamic scholar to preach such nonsense.


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