Saturday, August 22, 2015

Too Bad! 2 Year Old Boy Shots His Dad, Killing Him!

A young father was found shot to death by his 2 year old son in an apartment outside Birmingham, Alabama, United States, on August 18.

According to, Divine Vaniah Chambliss, 31, was watching his son while the boy’s mother was at work.

At about 3.00 p.m., the mum arrived at the apartment where she lives with her son and the couple’s daughter, who was at school.

She found Chambliss unresponsive. The little boy is quoted to have told his shocked mum, “I hurt my dad.” They found the man in bed with a single gunshot wound to the head and pronounced him dead.

The coroner’s office hasn’t yet issued an official ruling confirming that the toddler accidentally murdered his dad but according to a police statement, that appears to be what happened.

“Detectives have considered every possible scenario in an attempt to determine who shot the victim,” said the statement, which was posted on Facebook on August 19.

“There is still no indication that an intruder or any third person was involved in this incident. Physical evidence has also helped us determine that the victim could not have shot himself,” continued the statement.

“All indications at this point still lead us to believe the child found the loaded handgun and accidentally shot his father.”

Chambliss carried a gun in a holster at all times, his family, because he worked as a security guard at his church. He always kept the safety on, they maintained.

When he lay down for a nap while watching his son, he apparently put the semiautomatic gun under a pillow, and they believe that the boy found it and began playing with it.


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