Monday, August 24, 2015

Ini Edo Finally Reavels Why Her Marriage Failed

Popular Nollywood Actress Ini Edo, has revealed why her marriage to Philip Ehiagwina broke down. Ini who was married from 2008 to 2014 was a guest on Rubbing Minds on Channels TV yesterday. She said;

“I got married early because I wanted a family. I think my marriage was an experience which I don’t regret. He was the last child, so his family members kind of interfered in the marriage, which is naturally normal. He was okay with the kind of work I did and he kind of interfered as a good husband. We couldn’t find common grounds and agree on certain things so we fell out.  My husband and I were far apart from each other, maybe being together would have helped. My marriage fell out because of differences. For now I just want to fix my life, no marriage in the picture.”


  1. Na u know na...I wish u all d best on ur quest for a new man...hmm

  2. Career over family. Okay o! Have you heard the New Nigerian Anthem? Anticipate #PromiseLand.

  3. Married 4 six yrs & nothing 2 show 4 it, abi d guy no dey do him job?

  4. It's none of my concern..go remarry

  5. Ini Edo ure a disgrace 2 Akwa Ibom


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