Tuesday, July 28, 2015

See The ‘Golden Girl’ Who Hired Hit Men To Kill Her Parents (Photo)

The things we hear in this world eeh!...Read this Report i got from Nypost... On the outside, Jennifer Pan looked like the golden child.

Wearing the cloak of a perfect student from a Catholic school, and later the veil of a university graduate with a pharmacology degree, she made her parents, Bich Ha and Huei Hann Pan, very proud.

But what would later unfold would be a story of love, hate, lies and murder.

Jennifer’s parents were hard-working laborers employed in auto-part manufacturing. The former Vietnamese refugees were frugal so their two children could get a good start in life. They valued education and were strict parents to Jennifer and her younger brother, Felix.

But Jennifer was a light of brilliance in their world.

As a child, Jennifer was enrolled in piano lessons and figure skating. She’d hoped to compete at an Olympic level until she tore a ligament.

She had practiced martial arts, she was a good swimmer and on top of all of her extracurricular activities, she also studied late into the night.

Partying and dating were forbidden in Jennifer’s home. Education was everything.

Jennifer had felt immense pressure to be what her parents wanted her to be. But she wasn’t coping, the Washington Post revealed.

In eighth grade, she had hoped to become the valedictorian of her class. She missed out. And so began a slow demise from overachiever to the darkest of liars.

In an intricate tale of sinister horror that unfolded, it would be revealed how Jennifer was living a double life — full of forgery and deceit.

In an article in Toronto Life, Karen K. Ho, who knew the family and went to school with Jennifer, revealed the shocking web of lies and sinister plot Jennifer would concoct, which would later destroy lives — including Jennifer’s own. Weaving the web of lies

While her parents thought she was a straight-A student, Jennifer was actually receiving B grades.

So she started to forge her report cards.

Jennifer also began cutting herself.

She was covering up for deep feelings of inadequacy.

Despite this, she was accepted early to Ryerson University in Toronto. But she failed one of her math classes in her last year of high school and the offer was withdrawn.

Desperate not to disappoint her parents, she instead pretended to go to college.

She collected used textbooks. She faked a scholarship so her parents wouldn’t know why she didn’t have university fees to pay.

And while her parents thought she was heading off to study, Jennifer would actually be going to the public library instead.

When it came time to graduate, Jennifer lied and said there were not enough tickets for her parents to attend the ceremony.

Hatching a plan for murder

Finally, Bich and Hann became suspicious of their daughter and they began to follow her.

When Jennifer was finally caught, after lying about having a job at a hospital, her misery soon escalated. Her parents became even more strict on their daughter, who was now an adult.

No mobile phones, no computers, no more dates with her boyfriend Daniel Wong. Even the odometer on the car was monitored.

Jennifer was ordered to continue her education. And she was constantly checked.

Daniel broke off their relationship, and that was the tipping point for Jennifer.

Later, she would catch up with a man named Andrew Montemayor, with whom she had attended primary school.

It was in his company that she started to think about how she could get rid of her strict parents.

Along with Montemayor’s roommate Ricardo Duncan, they began to hatch a plot.

But it wasn’t until later, when she started to reconnect with Daniel, that a plan to hire a hit on her parents came about.

Daniel supplied Jennifer with a new mobile phone and connected her with a man named Lenford “Homeboy” Crawford. Crawford wanted $10,000 for the hit on Jennifer’s parents. But as the murder plans became firmer, Daniel wanted out of the deal.


On the night Jennifer decided to execute her plan, just after 10 p.m., “Crawford, [David] Mylvaganam and a third man named Eric Carty walked through the front door, all three carrying guns,” Toronto Life reported.

Bich and Hann were taken downstairs, their heads were covered with blankets.

Hann was shot twice, once in the face. Bich was shot three times in the head. Miraculously, Hann survived — and he remembered everything.

The murder trial began in 2014 and lasted 10 months.

“When the guilty verdict was delivered, she showed no emotion, but once the press had left the courtroom, [Jennifer] wept, shaking uncontrollably,” Toronto Life reported.

“For the charge of first-degree murder, Jennifer received an automatic life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years; for the attempted murder of her father, she received another sentence of life, to be served concurrently. Wong, Mylvaganam and Crawford each received the same sentence.”

Carty’s lawyer became ill during the trial. His trial has been rescheduled for early 2016, according to Toronto Life.


  1. She is possesed by evil spirit

  2. Dis girl is a bastard! Wch kind person go kill e own parents? Hmmm! "Uwaifo don talk e own o".

  3. what a useless world we live. the lady needs deliverance. who would ever think of killing their parents; hardworking parents at that. she should repent and give her life to Christ.

  4. A terible world we live. The girl needs deliverance

  5. I can see de work of devil in her hmm

  6. Evil pikin,,bow whas her again..??

  7. What is golden about ds girl, see parents dt wants d best for her,d way evil infiltrate d mind of ds young ones baffles me


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