Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Revealed: Why Barack Obama Rejected The $3,000 Gifts He Was Given By President Of Kenya (Photos)

Here is the reason why US President Barack Obama did not carry the gifts presented by his host President Uhuru Kenyatta. President Kenyatta had collected two portraits done by pencil artist Collins Okello and a sculpture of an elephant that he presented as gifts to President Obama.

The two portraits together with the elephant sculpture are said to be worth $3,000.Photos show President Obama flashing a smile when he was shown the gifts at State House, Nairobi, by his host. He however had to leave the artwork behind because American laws prohibits him from accepting gifts from other heads of state.

Gifts to an American President must first be cleared by the department in charge of gifts to the head of state and other state officers.
Nairobi News


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