Tuesday, July 28, 2015

NASS Crisis Deepens As Lawan Group Heads For Court Again

Senators opposed to the leadership of the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki, on Monday filed a fresh suit at Federal High Court in Abuja, seeking the nullification of the inauguration of the 8th Senate carried out by the management of the National Assembly, on June 9.

The senators are operating on the platform of a group called Senate Unity Forum.

A member of the group, who confirmed the development to one of our correspondents on conditions of anonymity, explained that one of their prayers was that the court should declare the inauguration of the 8th Senate as well as the election of the presiding officers as null and void.

He said the group, based on the revelations in the police report on the alleged forgery of the Senate Standing Order 2015, was of the view that the document used for the inauguration and the election were fake.

He added that the group expected the state to commence a criminal prosecution against person and persons indicted in the alleged forgery scandal to serve as deterrent to others.

He said;
“We are doing this in the interest of our great country because anybody or group of people could wake up one day and conspire to amend the Nigerian Constitution without following due process, if the current case of forgery scandal is not acted upon”
Attempts to speak with the spokesperson for the SUF, Senator Kabir Marafa, on the issue were futile as he did not pick calls made to his line on Monday night while text messages also sent to him were not responded to.


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