Tuesday, May 12, 2015

So Obama 'LIED About How Osama Bin Laden, The 9/11 Terror Mastermind Died To Claim Glory For Himself'

The US government lied to the world about how Osama bin Laden was killed, skewing the facts so Obama could claim political glory, an investigative journalist has claimed.

It is alleged that the Pakistani government had been holding the 9/11 mastermind in his Abbottabad compound - located in a residential area known to be vastly populated by military officials - for years, Uk mail reports.

The CIA learned of his location after a high-ranking intelligence officer in the country tipped off the US in the hope of claiming a $25 million bounty, the report claims.

Seymour Hersh: The journalist published the allegations this weekend

In his investigation, Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh also alleges that the Obama administration negotiated with the Pakistani government and its intelligence officials from the ISI ahead of the raid, but then later claimed it was a secret infiltration mission.
Hersh, citing an unnamed source, says that Pakistani intelligence services cut the power to bin Laden's compound ahead of the raid to aid the SEAL team in avoiding local military intervention.
There was no firefight, the report claims, and the only bullets fired were those that killed the terror chief.

Barrack Obama concealed the truth about the raid one year before an election in a bid to boost his administration's popularity, it is claimed.

The article, published in the London Review of Books, says that bin Laden was also not buried at sea as previously claimed, and that he was in fact buried in Afghanistan.

Hersh says that Obama's speech informing the American people about the successful raid was "put together in a rush".

He added: "This series of self-serving and inaccurate statements would create chaos in the weeks following.


  1. This is a strong allegation,,I don't know who to believe.......let me just let d statusquo b...

  2. Make una leave Obama 4 me ooooo. Hmmm! "Uwaifo don talk e own o".

  3. I actually listened to ds man speak yesterday, d white house hasn't sed anything concerning d allegation, so am waiting

  4. Hmm this is going to be bad!!

  5. Y I don't actually believe d story of ds Seymour is d navy seal can't carry out any action without d directives of Mr Obama, and besides it's top secret

  6. Osama's killing has always been a suspect.

  7. Story for the gods. The guy is out and dats all


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