Friday, May 8, 2015

Bikonu, Is Anything Wrong With This Photo?

Daniel Nartey (Pictured above), is a Ghanaian man who dresses in a suit to hawk water melon around Madina in Ghana's capital, Accra to eke a living. When asked why he dresses this way, According to BBC, Daniel said;
"My pastor always says dress well no matter the job you do, so I decided to wear a suit. Some laugh at me, others encourage me and are willing to help me"
Daniel says his dressing gives him an edge which helps him make 100 % profit after sales

"I make 100% profit. I think it is because of how I dress, people notice me easily and want to buy from me," Mr Nartey said.

The 25-year-old is a primary school teacher and sells watermelon during weekends and when the school is on vacation. He is saving up to buy an oven and wants to one day own his own snack bar.


  1. Tomorrow when doors open for him, people go say na juju, now he's struggling, some are laughing @ em...nice one

  2. Lol, I heard of one guy in Ghana too that's selling maize on suit i don't know if this guy. Nice one

  3. Its call marketing strategy...dude idea is unbranded...I must commend him for this idea,,hope he become successful soon

  4. All na packaging o. If it sells market 4 him, then he should continue. Personally I would love to buy from him if I see him. Hmmm! "Uwaifo don talk e own o".

  5. Lol de man de try package well for life to move on

  6. Hmmmm,I love dt spirit, bc u hawk,doesn't mean u hv to look tattered, of course d joy and love he has for what he does, will take him to greater heights, weldone, sir

  7. Nor be lie ooo... how u dress tells more abt ur personality and ur personality is ur brand and whn u have a clean/positive brand. Success is urs. No matter the business

  8. Nothing is wrong with this picture, infact this is an inspiration and encouragement from him to others.

  9. God bless this guy, God bless Nigerians, God bless Nigeria!


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